Scoundrel’s Luck – 136

“I have difficulty accepting that Birdloe is the traitor,” Sodarra says. “His record is excellent.”

“Serves you right for believing a report,” Han says. “I trust only my instincts – I’m a great judge of character.” They have just come out of hyperspace. A vast glove which casts a flickering topaz light into space hangs below the Falcon’s viewport. The planet is almost bright enough and large enough to be a small sun, but it is not. It is, at last, the desert world of Tatooine. Its peculiar starlike glow is the result of sodium-rich sands phosphorescing in the light of its twin suns.

Sodarra studies Han with a sardonic grin. “We shall see how well you judge character, Captain Solo.” Sodarra’s men are ready for action, and Darth Vader’s crate has been prepared for unloading.

Han taps his chronometer. “Don’t think I trust you for a second,” Han says. “Double-cross me, and three seconds later Vader is cosmic dust.” Chewbacca has sealed Vader’s crate with a tamper-proof lock. Any attempt to remove the cockpit before Han deactivates the bomb will trigger an explosion. It is Han’s insurance policy.

“I was speaking only of Alfreda Goot,” Sodarra says. “She is as ruthless as she is enigmatic.”

“Sure,” Han responds. Sodarra does not need to remind Han of the Imperial insurance policy. He and Chewbacca have not been without an armed escort since leaving Shador. Despite their pledge not to double-cross each other, neither man is taking any chances.

When the spaceport officials call for ship registry, Han discoveres that the Falcon’s radio is malfunctioning – whether from battle damage or general disrepair isn’t obvious. Chewie grumbles about maintenance as Han tries to hear their berth designation through a symphony of pops and crackles.

“I heard Bay 32, am proceeding to that location,” the Corellian finally replies. “Never did like that Chedak circuitry much. It’s sloppy,” he mutters for the general audience. Captain Sodarra refrains from comment.

Dan descends to the haphazard arrangement of crater-shaped depressions Mos Eisley calls a spaceport. As soon as the Falcon touches down, Sodarra gives one of his men a voucher chip and sends him to pay the berthing fees. Han sends Chewbacca along to re-provision the Falcon on the Imperial’s tab – they might have to leave in a hurry, and Han wants to be sure he doesn’t have to pause for supplies. Unlike Shador, no port master on Tatooine will dare refuse Sodarra’s voucher; the planet is seldom without Imperial visiotrs now.

As they wait for Chewbacca and Sodarra’s man to return, Han is silent and reflective. He still hopes he can find a way to destroy Vader, though he will not risk Leia’s life in order to do so. Having accepted that she did not fake her own kidnapping, Han is determined to save Leia – even if it means letting Vader live. He has no doubt that Leia will disapprove of his decision, but if he allows the Princess to die because he has a price on his head, Han knows that the rest of his life will be as pointless as it will be miserable.

That Sodarra also intends to double-cross him, Han has no doubts. The man has already demonstrated his talent for deception. Han now analyzes everything the Imperial says and does, and his trigger finger never moves far from the Chronometer. If Leia’s life did not depend on cooperating with the Imperials, Han would long ago have detonated the bomb and taken his chances against their superior numbers. Unfortunately, he does not have that option.

Sodarra interrupts Han’s reverie. “We do not know if Alfreda beat us or not. The wisest course is to reconnoiter the cantina before making our move.”

“Good idea,” Han says. “Let’s go.”

“One moment,” Sodarra says. “Alfreda is undoubtedly expecting you. However, I doubt that my presence will alarm her. I should go alone.”

Han hesitates. He does not like the idea of letting the Imperial officer out of his sight. On the other hand, Sodarra’s proposal is sound and will no doubt provide an edge against Alfreda. In addition, it will keep him out of sight for a while. Han remains acutely aware that Jabba has placed a price on his head, and Jabba has spies everywhere on Tatooine. Within an hour of showing his face, Han realizes, one of Jabba’s spies will report his location.

Chewbacca is getting the power cells recharged as well as picking up supplies. It is no longer necessary to keep track of the number of energy cells they use.

If Han sends Sodarra to reconnoiter the cantina, Click Here
If Han rejects Sodarra’s proposal, Click Here