Han enters the near end of the channel a few seconds before the canal boat reaches the far end.
Energy bolts continue to sing through the support structure as Han negotiates the rocky channel. Sodarra fires almost constantly, regardless of the fact that he stands as much chance of hitting the pilot as the pursuing stormtroopers.
They reach the bend and Han nudges the control stick. The bateau’s aft skids to starboard and the whole craft shakes as it bangs into debris. The port side rises a full meter into the stinking air.
Han closes the throttle down and straightens the rudder. The hull flops back onto the water.
Sodarra screams in triumph and Han hazards a look back. The stormtroopers’ broadhorn has slowed to a crawl at the channel mouth. It has only centimeters of clearance on each side.
Han opens the throttle wide again. The bateau shoots out of the channel as the canal boat enters. As they streak past, an astonished Twi’lek fights to steady his rocking craft.
“We’ll be back to the Falcon in no time!” Han calls.