Scoundrel’s Luck – 41

Wait a moment.

Is there any cover within a hundred meters of here?” Han asks the lookout.

“Not much. A few sinkholes.”

“That’s enough,” Han says. “Do you have an extra blaster rifle?” he asks Captain Sodarra.

“What are you thinking?”

“Chewbacca and I’ll hid out on the glacier. After they pass we’ll pick off the communications officer from the rear.”

Sodarra hesitates. “Stormtroopers are better trained -“

“You haven’t seen me and Chewie in action,” Han counters.

Sodarra does not yield easily. “If you are injured, we will all be stranded.”

“Then you’d better make sure I don’t get hit!” Han says.

Captain Sodarra starts to threaten Han, but catches himself in time. “I’ll send my best marksman.”

“I’m not asking your permission,” Han says stubbornly. Sodarra’s comments make sense from a tactical point of view. His stormtroopers probably can handle the ambush as well as Han, and no one else can fly the Falcon. But despite Sodarra’s reassuring mannerisms, Han does not completely trust the ex-Imperial. He has heard too many stories of Imperial double-crosses to stand with stormtroopers, deserters or not, in battle.

“How do I know you won’t betray us?” Sodarra finally asks.

“You’ve got to trust somebody,” Han says, a sarcastic sneer on his lips. “And you’ve got my ship.”

Sodarra returns a grim smile. “Lieutenant Birdloe! Secure a blaster rifle for Captain Solo.”

Half-an-hour later, the squad of snowtroopers disappears into the moraine trench. Han and Chewbacca rush out onto the glacier to find sinkholes.

After a frigid hour-and-a-half, the snowtroopers pass Han’s hiding place. The unit marches spread out over half a kilometer. Han brushes the camouflaging snow from his hood and raises his head. The officer, who carries a blaster pistol in addition to his armor and a long-range communications pack, walks in the center of the formation and just a few steps behind. He is perhaps fifty meters from Han’s hiding place and seventy meters from Chewbacca’s

The point trooper stops suddenly, then turns as if he is speaking to the office through his suit radio. Han knows he has seen the furrow! Han weighs his options. He can fire on the officer immediately, but he is far from certain he can hit the officer at a range of fifty meters. Or he can leap from his hiding place and rush the officer. He can probably close to point blank range before the snowtroopers notice him, but he will be left in the open when the officer’s men return fire.

If Han rushes the officer, Click Here
If Han fires from his hiding place, Click Here