As Han and Chewie attend each other’s wounds, Han and Sodarra discuss their situation. Without doubt, the squad has reported contact with the deserters. Because the Falcon is buried in the glacier, they might avoid detection from the air for a day or two. But the command center will certainly dispatch more patrols – probably with walkers – when they hear nothing from the first squad.
“Do you have someone that can operate their communications pack?” Han asks.
“Of course,” Sodarra responds. “Why?”
HAn explains his plan. Sodarra agrees it is worth a try and orders Lieutenant Birdloe to learn what he can about the enemy’s communications protocol. A few minutes later, Han goes outside to where Sodarra’s crew has set up the communications pack. Birdloe, indistinguishable from Sodarra’s other troopers inside his white armor, briefs Han on what he has learned. When Han asks what his name is supposed to be, Birdloe’s helmet stares at Han for a long moment. If the helmet could look sheepish, Han is sure it would.
“I forgot to ask,” he admits.
Han shrugs. “So ask now.”
“That’s impossible,” Birdloe says. “The prisoners are dead.”
“Dead?” Han asks. “What happened?”
Birdloe seems puzzled by the question. “We shot them of course.”
Han’s jaw drops. “Shot them! That’s cold-blooded murder!”
“They were only traitors,” the lieutenant responds defensively.
Han’s eyes narrows. “I thought you guys were the traitors.”
Birdloe’s voice tone does not change. “We are deserters, if that is what you mean.”
Han shoots a glance a Sodarra. The Captain shakes his head gently. “Old habits die hard. Shall we say he meant traitors to sentient freedom?”
Han hesitates. “I guess so,” he finally responds.
Bridloe activates the field communications set. “Green squad reporting,” Han says into the com-phone. They have purposefully deactivated the video-transmitter on their end.
An Imperial colonel’s face appears on the screen. “Report, green squad. And adjust your video – I’m not receiving a picture.”
Han gulps. What if the colonel knows the squad leader by name? “Video transmitter malfunctioning due to combat damage, sir. Engagement concluded successfully. Contact subjects were two smugglers. No sign of primary search subjects. Recommend continuation of normal search patterns.”
The colonel’s face tightens in frustration. “I thought we had them,” he says. “I’ll send a skimmer to collect the prisoners for further interrogation.”
“Negative,” Han says. “No prisoners.”
“I ordered you to take prisoners!” the commander bellows.
“We did,” Han blurts out. “They tried to escape.”
The colonel looks angry. “I will expect verification on that. Casualty status?”
Han hesitates. How much did the officer report before he fell? Will the colonel believe that nobody was injured in the battle? Han knows that if he reports casualties he has to report fatalities to avoid a medica evacuation. But will the colonel send a skimmer to pick up the dead?
If Han claims no casualties, Click Here
If Han reports fatalities, Click Here